User Collections

The user collections project brief was, in broad terms, to allow users to browse resources relating to different stages of product development and add items of particular interest to personal, named collections. One of the example models I was given was, which allows users to browse games and create collections of games on their account.

I really enjoyed this project. It was a very interesting requirement and I relished the opportunity to devise a solution with WordPress. The final version included the following elements:

  • A custom post-type for user collections and another for resources
  • Custom taxonomies for resources
  • An ajax-based interface for browsing and filtering resources by taxonomy terms
  • An ajax-modal-based interface for adding resources to collections
  • Adding a resource to a collection presents the opportunity to create a new collection for the resource or to choose an existing collection
  • A collections-management page with an interface for sharing collections and changing their sort-order
  • Access control to ensure that resources, collections and other areas of the site are only visible to the appropriate people

The project went very well and all involved were very happy with the result, but unfortunately it is currently not publicly available for viewing.


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